Life in West Virginia without child care is #unbearable.
Affordable, quality child care makes it possible for parents to work and provide a happy and healthy home for their children. And without it, children, families, and the economic health of our communities are at risk.
Stand up for child care by joining the campaign and sharing your story.
The Unbearable Campaign is inspired by the grassroots efforts of West Virginia moms and a coalition of organizations who are calling on congressional leaders to remember the “CHILD” in the Child Tax Credit and child care policies.
Amy Jo Hutchinson is one West Virginia mom who is calling on “Mama Bears” from all over who will do anything for their kids to come together in this effort.

The Child Tax Credit made life bearable for so many families in West Virginia.
The end of the expanded Child Tax Credit in December 2021 meant that these families were not getting the support they needed. These are real stories of impacted West Virginians.

Stand with the Mama Bears.
Share your story on social media and post a picture of your teddy bear—in your window or with your family—or one of the campaign graphics. Make sure to use the hashtag #Unbearable.
Campaign Toolkit
The campaign toolkit includes a list of actions to take, as well graphics and sample messages for social media.
"As a parent, one of the biggest stressors and anxiety inducers I ever have is the feeling I am not providing enoug…

Campaign Partners